Friday, July 18, 2008

Smoothie Operator

Peaches are mo' in season, relatively local, sweet, and delicious. So here's a super kickass peach smoothie that I have for breakfast. This served 2 people drinkign from very large glasses.

- 3 peaches
- A few glorps** of yogurt.
- A little milk
- Dash of vanilla
- Honey to taste

Cut the peaches into rough pieces so you can get the stone out, shove into blender with everything except the honey, and blend. Once blender is off, insert finger and taste. If it's too tangy, add a bit of honey until it meets your desired sweetness. If you add ice to the blender, keep in mind colder drinks mask flavor as well as sour and sweet, so you'll probably need more.

(**Glorps of yogurt are heaping spoonfuls that go "glorp" when you toss them into the blender.)

I guess if you're looking for fullness, you can add your protein supplement of choice, but the yogurt and milk filled me up pretty well. If you use regular peaches (not white ones) you can see where the color "peach" came from! Hahah! Imagine that!


Back to writing!



SeaBreeze said...

Did you leave the skin on or remove it?

HungryGrad said...

On. Peeling fruit (except mangoes, pineapple, bananas, melons, citrus...) is too time consuming, and also my mom used to lecture me about how a lot of the good-for-you stuff (fiber and vitamins) is found in or very near the skin. Whether that's an old wife/hippie tale or has some scientific truth to it, I'm not sure. But really, what's the harm in leaving it on if you wash it? :)