Saturday, July 26, 2008

What is going on?

I'm all about size/shape acceptance, but this is out of control.  How is this ok?  How is this ok with the parents of these kids?  How can they possibly think having children continuing their particular lifestyle is acceptable?  Am I missing something?  If there are clear indicators that processed food is shitty for you - and there are - even if the impetus for changing yourself doesn't exist, how can you in good conscience force it on children who don't have a choice?  Why have children at all if you're ok with dooming them to an early, painful, problem-ridden death?  Like, just don't bother.

Have you ever wondered why the southern - especially southeastern - US is pretty much the only really hot region in the world where high-fat deep fried food dominates cuisine?  This is a really curious problem when you compare the American south to India, real Mexican food, Thailand, the middle east/Mediterranean regions, and even the Caribbean.  Why is this the case?

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